Little did we know walking into the party that we would walk out with an invitation and Rotary-Sponsored flight to Berlin the following weekend- for THE Rotary Global Peace Forum in Europe(!)
Yes, it's as cool as it sounds (click below!):
To understand my excitement, watch this video about the forum:
Global Peace Forum from Rotary International on Vimeo.
Essentially, Allysan and I talked to all the right people, and with typical Rotary generosity- the District Governor of the Paris Rotary Clubs offered to pay our way to Berlin! What an opportunity! The Rotary International President will be in attendance, and the theme is, "Peace with out Borders." We can't wait to be there (neither of us have ever been to Germany)! Even more, we have been invited to a Franco-Allemagne Soirée at the Museum of the Berlin wall... a party thrown by the Rotary District 1660 (of Paris) to foster relationships with the German clubs! (see flyer below):
With our flight leaving tomorrow morning at 6 am, I must start packing! Rest-assured, a follow up blog about The Rotary Peace Forum will drop next week!
Cheers to Rotary, the world over!
Cheers to Rotary, the world over!
What an amazing opportunity!