We set off to hike the famous Cassis calanques (click here!), essentially limstone inlets lining the Mediterranean coast. Though the buses ran a bit later than expected and we didn't get all of the hiking in we wanted to, Cassis was a tropical paradise- I felt 1,000s of miles away from Ma Vie Parisienne-much like a vacation within a vacation within a vacation.. You get it, there was a lot of good going on:
Vineyard beyond vineyard...
Palm Trees welcoming us to Cassis
"WELL DRESSED REQUIRED" beach town problems, I suppose
Port de Cassis (no, I promise this isn't a calender or post card pic)
Naturally, a castle overlooking the port
Excuse the hiking clothes!
Nothing washes down paradise like SPECULOOS (my newfound love thanks to the Vandy house) gelato
cafe au port
... Don't know how I ever left this spot
tour guide Emmy
It's a hard life, but someone's gotta have it.
So thankful for Emily for hosting me, touring me, and generally entertaining me with much laughter in the South. What a week!
Man, Anne, these pics look like a vacation guide. Miss you!