Monday, October 8, 2012

Le Blog Proveçal- Pt. 2: Cassis

After Emily finished her classes for the day- we left on our hiking adventure to Cassis (click here!), a petite ville on the Mediterranean Coast, east of Marseilles. Though I have been near, I had never gone to Cassis before. It won't be my last time!

We set off to hike the famous Cassis calanques (click here!), essentially limstone inlets lining the Mediterranean coast. Though the buses ran a bit later than expected and we didn't get all of the hiking in we wanted to, Cassis was a tropical paradise- I felt 1,000s of miles away from Ma Vie Parisienne-much like a vacation within a vacation within a vacation.. You get it, there was a lot of good going on:

Vineyard beyond vineyard...

Palm Trees welcoming us to Cassis

"WELL DRESSED REQUIRED" beach town problems, I suppose

Port de Cassis (no, I promise this isn't a calender or post card pic)

Naturally, a castle overlooking the port

Excuse the hiking clothes!

Nothing washes down paradise like SPECULOOS (my newfound love thanks to the Vandy house) gelato 

cafe au port

... Don't know how I ever left this spot

tour guide Emmy

It's a hard life, but someone's gotta have it.

So thankful for Emily for hosting me, touring me, and generally entertaining me with much laughter in the South. What a week!

1 comment:

  1. Man, Anne, these pics look like a vacation guide. Miss you!
