Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cafe Post-

Now that all of my time isn't consumed in touring overpriced closets, I am finding the time to LIVE like a Parisian, or at least my romantic idea of one (...I don't have a job and school hasn't yet started, ha). That said, I write this from "Cafe Latin-St. Germain" located on Boulevard St. Germain. Leaving the bank (constantly requesting more documents urgh!) I felt a sprinkle or two of rain, a perfect excuse to duck in here for some added warmth (I am already wearing heavy coats and scarfs here!), free wifi, and a great view!

So will this be my next year? Pleasure reading in cafes and biking around Paris? ...Yes and no.

I start school next week, just in time- as I was growing to feel like a drop out. With many of my friends starting medical school, grad school, or big boy/girl jobs.. Starting school in October gave me a 5 month (school) break! At registration and orientation last week, I was hit in the face with the realization I had forgotten working this summer in the Tetons: I LOVE SCHOOL! And, as a token of my excitement (or maybe they gave it to everyone, I don't know-my translation was vague) they gave me this magical card giving me access to free museums, discounted tickets, oh and la Sorbonne! HERE!
It's official!

Seeing my daily class schedule (with some larger lectures to choose from each week) I felt like a kid in a candy store! 18th century French lit, French cinema, Art History.. the list goes on! No molec cell, biochem, and not a single lab?!!? Move over left side of the brain- this year I'm going back to my roots in back-to-school-literature-and-language-love.

On an errand to the registrar this week...happened to catch people painting my school! 

An added note: Some things never change, whether it's at Millsaps or the 9th oldest institution of learning in the world, I can't WAIT to kick some intramural basketbal tail! Gotta rep the USA (well, those UK WILDCATS)!
(How funny are these shirts? I mean, did Louis Pasteur have intramural records here? How about Marie Curie or Victor Hugo? ha!)

It's full-blown raining now, and I should put the ipad down. Unlike in America where coffee shops and cafes serve as portals to a digital world of emails and papers--here, it is most always an engaged, social hub. In fact, it is only on occasion that I find a cafe with wifi, and even then only a hand full will be virtually plugged in.

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