IL ETAIT UNE FOIS.. in Paris--the "spring" of 2013 to be exact. My weekly, Monday-night dinner party has been a large and lovely part of my life here in Paris. Here is our story:
A dozen or so wide-eyed expats (3 of whom are Rotary Ambassadorial Scholars!) from all over the globe assimilated into a multi-cultural family (albiet dysfunctional) every Monday night. Over pot-luck dinners from "Asian fusion" to "TexMex" we taught ourselves to cook, swapped (mis)adventures, learned to use chopsticks, and beat records for Monday-night bouteilles du vin consummation. From Estonian problems to Britney's magnum opus(') we tackled the important issues while enjoying our collective good fortunes in living in Paris during our prolonged "youth." What started with a fateful pigeon run-in at Starbucks turned into much more fun than anything Rick Steves' could offer in Paris each Monday.
Our Monday nights may look different for all of us in the coming years, but we know all over the globe there is a place for a Dinner Partier chez-nous... at least until "OMG THE LAST METRO!"